Your hydrogen or N2 gas generator needs annual maintenance.

A hydrogen or N2 gas generator is a critical element of your laboratory's infrastructure because it supplies a continuous flow of high purity gas to gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers, and other analytical instruments in all types of labs.

An annual on-site maintenance check of your lab gas generator by a GGS technician will:

  • Certify peak operational performance and efficiency.

  • Ensure that the gas supply is of high quality, critical for accurate lab results.

  • Help extend the life of the compressor, the most expensive component of your generator.

  • Minimize costly downtime and surprise business disruptions.

The benefits? It’s all about keeping your N2 gas generator running strong.

1. Keep Your Strong Lab Running at Peak Performance:
A yearly maintenance check of your lab gas generator can help ensure that it is functioning at optimum levels. Any issues or problems can be identified and addressed before they become costly repairs or replacements.

2. Extend the Life of the Gas Generator:
Regular maintenance checks will identify parts that need to be replaced before they become an unexpected, significant issue. This saves lab owners time and money.

3. Ensure a High-Quality Gas Supply:
A gas generator that is not maintained properly can lead to impurities in the gas supply, which can affect the accuracy and reliability of lab results.

And the downside of not maintaining your N2 generator? The risks and headaches are real:

  • Decreased overall performance, making your lab less efficient

  • Potential equipment failure leading to unscheduled repairs or replacements, never easy in a lab environment

  • Inaccurate lab results resulting from impure gas production

Is it time for your yearly lab gas generator equipment maintenance check? GGS provides the finest on-site maintenance and repair service possible for all brands of nitrogen, hydrogen, and zero air gas generators.

Just give us a call at 800-738-1698 or drop us a line at We’ll schedule your maintenance check at your earliest possible convenience.


We give unbiased advice about your N2 gas generator maintenance.


You need wraparound lab gas generator services to keep your lab running strong.